Welcome to where we live


We are a group of Christian believers who live and worship

in one of the most beautiful areas of Queensland, the renown Atherton Tablelands.

If you are new to the area of just visiting, you are welcome to join us.

Following Jesus - We aim to be followers of Jesus Christ


Our church building is located in Atherton at the corner of Lloyd and Gibson Streets.

Our mission is to be followings of Jesus Christ and try to be like him,

one who was never self centred but cared more about others.

Caring for Each Other - Caring is at the heart of Christianity


Though we are not perfect, our goal is to care for others.

Our support and care can be for people who not only live locally,

but could involve helping others across Australia and overseas.

Impacting the World - We only have one life to make a difference!


As a Christian, we can make a difference in the lives of others.

Jesus Christ showed the perfect way, and through him, the entire world has been impacted.

In your life, are you making a difference?  You are welcome to join us in trying to do just this.

Our Pastors – Testing

Our senior pastor, the Rev John Whyte has worked as a pastor for many years.  John and his wife Cheryl have served in a number of baptist churches across Queensland from small country churches to the larger centres.   John is also very involved with the Atherton SES Group and Atherton Men’s Shed and has a heart for people.

Jeff Lawson is our Associate Pastor (primarily for youth and young adults).   Jeff is married to Karen and has a passion for the youth of today.  Jeff wants to see our youth grow into to young men and women, ready to take on the important mantle of the next generation.

Jeff is also now the Pastor for Lakeside Community Church located at Yungaburra, a ministry of Atherton Tablelands Baptist Church.

About Us

Atherton Tablelands Baptist Church is a group of Christian believers who live on the Atherton Tablelands.  We hold that the Bible is the word of God and that Jesus Christ came to earth around 2000 years ago to offer everlasting life to those who believe in him and accept him into their lives.  This offer applies just as much today as back then.   

The Atherton Tableland Baptist Church It is part of Baptist Family of Churches in Queensland.  This means we believe every individual believer is free to access God and serve Him in his or her own way (within biblical lines).  We have no prayer book, no bishops, and no hierarchies. Each Baptist congregation of believers is free to shape its own style, language and ministry but at the same time, there are many things we share in common with our other Baptist Churches, for example, partaking in the Lord’s Supper and accepting the importance of a believer’s baptism.

If you would like more information about what it means to be a Christian, please feel free to contact us by phone, or through our Contact section at the bottom of this page.  We can and do conduct sessions on what it means to be a Christian and a disciple of the Lord Jesus and would love to be able to help where we can.

You are welcome to contact, visit or join us at any time.

Connecting with Atherton Baptist

Besides getting together with friends and our community to worship God on a Sunday morning, a Connect Group is a great way to meet, to learn more about God’s word for our lives and to get to know each other better.  It’s a time put aside to share, support and pray for each other.

The Bible reminds Christians that they are strangers in this world, called to be different and to be a difference.  We are exhorted to grow and follow in Christ’s steps, and helping to understand what Jesus would do in all circumstances. 

Our Connect Groups help us to ‘get connected’ to God and to each other.  

You are welcome to be a part of a Connect Group if you’re not already.

Our Logo

The Ulysses butterfly is one of the most beautiful butterflies in the world.  It is a native of Far North Queensland which often flashes the most brilliant of blue colours in our rainforests and gardens.  The iridescent blue is not from a pigment colour, but from a special design on the butterfly wings  (See article on this).  

Amongst Christians, the butterfly can be seen as symbolic of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, as well as the state of all believers.  On becoming a Christian, Christians are a new creation, having been transformed from what we were.  The butterfly is symbolic of that new life. 

The concentric circles in our logo are symbolic of life’s travels, they may not be perfect, but they always go back to what is important, that is, a decision to make a change in our life to follow Christ Jesus and become a new creation.  

As a church of believers, we truly do aim to Follow Jesus, Care for Each Other, and through this, we will hopefully Impact the World, the Atherton Tablelands and beyond for the better.  

Coming Up/Service Times


Sunday Worship Service
(in person but also streamed through Zoom)
10.00 am
(includes Kid’s Church) 10.15 am


Remember the real reason for Easter.
Christ died for us and rose on the third day. 
Now there is an empty Cross

First Visit?

We welcome anyone to visit our congregation.  If you attend one of our worship services on a Sunday you are likely to be greeted at the front door of the church building by one of our enthusiastic church welcomers. 

If new to the area, you should be given one of our Welcome Packs, but if not, please do not be afraid to ask for one from one of the church welcomers.  

Our worship service includes singing a wide variety of worshipful songs, prayer, and a weekly message (sermon) usually given by one of our pastors.  

For primary and high school aged children, there is a time during the service (during school term) when the children will be invited to go to their own children’s programmes called Kids for Christ and SWAG.  

We do not have a creche programme, however there is a cry room where  young babies and children can be taken (if needed).  This room is located near the auditorium entrance door and contains a loudspeaker (to assist in the hearing the service). 

After the Service we normally have morning tea or a fellowship lunch in the church hall next to the church auditorium.   All are welcome to stay back for a time of fellowship.  

You Are Welcome to Call (or visit)

Church Office:  4079 1049   –  After Hours:  3151 3702

Our Address


Where are we?

Atherton Tablelands Baptist Church

Contact Us

We would encourage you to message us Today!

7 + 13 =