What is an email signature?
Email signatures are used to display your name and contact information.
The signature is automatically inserted, usually at the end of the email.
Using an email signature can save you time when you send an email to someone. Now lets go into the details…
Clicking the icon in our WWD Toolkit Page will bring you to the below login screen where you have the option to access Webmail using Horde, RoundCube or SquirrelMail.
They may look different but they all have the same core features; email forwarding, replying, address book, folders, junk, spam and so on).
Pick the Webmail application you prefer to use, but to recognised, that we do recommend if possible you use Gmail or Outlook for your email and set up your Wow Web Design email account to forward all emails to your additional account. This assists for keeping up to date backups.
Creating an email signature in Horde
Create a signature in Horde Webmail by following the steps below:
- On the icon bar at the very top of any mail page in the Horde WebMail application, click on the Gear icon.
- In the Your Information column, click Personal Information.
- On the Personal Information page, click Edit Your Identities.
- Select the Default identity from the Your Identities pop-up menu, type your signature text, and click the Create button.
- Confirmation that the change you have made to your default identity will appear at the top of your window stating “adding a signature file.”
- To add an image to the email, ensure you insert the image.
Creating an email signature in Roundcube
Create a signature in RoundCube by following these steps:
- Click on “Settings” at the top right side of the page.
- On the Settings page, click on the “Identities” Tab.
- Double click on the email address that you want to create a signature for.
- Add your signature. To add an image, make sure you click in “HTML Signature”.
Creating an email signature in SquirrelMail
Create a signature in SquirrelMail, in the Personal Information section, by following the steps below:
- First, log into your SquirrelMail.
- Click on Options at the top of the screen.
- Click on “Personal Information.”
- On the next screen you will be able to insert your signature.
All done.. Now test that your signature works by sending a test email to yourself or to a friend or family member.